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Amanda’s of Mogo

Art Spectrum 100% Cotton Watercolour Pads - A5 Cold Press

In stock: 6 available
Product Details
UPC: 9323926046077
Brand: Art Spectrum



Art Spectrum® has collaborated with the Magnani Paper Mill in Italy to develop a 100% cotton artists’ quality Watercolour Paper with an exceptional surface.

This Art Spectrum® paper is:

  • Acid Free which equates to it being above 7pH on the pH scale
  • Archival Quality being a Museum grade
  • Chlorine Free making it environmentally friendly
  • Contains zero Whitening Agents (OBA’s)
  • Made with traditional methods using Cylinder Moulds
  • Vegan friendly as the process of plant sizing is used internally and finished with a synthetic Tub Sizing
  • Contains zero Whitening Agents (OBA’s)
  • Sizes A5, A4 and A3 and now available in single sheets – click here: https://artspectrum.com.au/products/art-spectrum-100-watercolour-paper/
  • Surface options are: Hot Press, Cold Press and Rough

The mill was established by the Magnani family along the banks of the Pescia River, famous for its clear pure waters, an essential requirement for the production of fine hand-made papers.

In the 18th century the Magnani Mill began to export their papers to the world with most of Europe’s reigning families and State Mints acknowledging their quality and expertise to provide papers of distinction.

Napoleon Bonaparte chose the mill to produce a special watermarked paper for the announcement of his wedding with Maria Luisa D’ Austria, the original mould is still held at the mill today.

Magnani has a rich history of cooperating with artists such as Picasso, De Chirico, Guttuso, Annigoni, Maccari, Bueno, Guarnieri and Morandi who have had their own papers produced by the mill.

The heritage continues with Magnani producing papers for the modern-day artist.

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Art Spectrum 100% Cotton Watercolour Pads - A5 Cold Press