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Amanda’s of Mogo

DANIEL SMITH - Terre Verte 15ml Tube - Extra Fine Watercolour

SKU 00619
In stock: 1 available
Product Details
UPC: 743162009572
Brand: Daniel Smith

Terre Verte, roughly translated as green earth, is a classic green that has been used by artists since antiquity. Transparent and non-staining, Terre Verte is a lightfast formulation of Viridian and Raw Umber. Use with Undersea Green and Raw Umber Violet for natural-looking landscapes. Terre Verte is a slightly granular earthy green, leaning toward teal. Easy to handle, easy to look at.

SKU: 284600104
Pigment: PG 18, PBr 7 | Series: 1
Lightfastness: I – Excellent
Transparency: Transparent
Staining: 1-Non-Staining
Granulation: Granulating

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DANIEL SMITH - Terre Verte 15ml Tube - Extra Fine Watercolour